JCRA has continued to participate in the public meetings and consultations on the Midtown Development. We are also participating on the recently formed Joint Residents Association for Midtown (JRAM), set up to focus specifically on Midtown issues. This group is made up of members from the four residents associations in Ward 3. The group can be reached directly at midtownoakville@gmail.com and they welcome your questions and comments. The next public meeting will take place on April 22, 2024, for Council to hear feedback from residents on the wording of the Town’s Official Plan Amendment for Midtown, which will direct the development, includng the permitted heights of buildings in that area.
The links below provide useful and important information on Midtown. We encourage you to learn more about the Midtown plans and the concerns raised by Residents Associations and individual residents. We also encourage you to email your feedback to our elected representatives: Mayor Burton and our Ward 3 Councillors.
- The Town of Oakville Midtown Oakville Growth Area Review has information on what the Town has done and plans to do with respect to Midtown.
- Ward 3 Councillors Gittings and Haslett-Theall have created the midtownoakville.ca web site with additional information and commentary.
- The issues experienced in the development of Vaughan Metropolitan Centre provide a warning to us about what we might expect in the build-out of Oakville Midtown. Coronation Park Residents Association has put together web pages regarding issues of concern to all of us Midtown Oakville | Coronation Park Residents Association and in particular, lessons that can be learned from Vaughan’s experience (it’s a pdf file).