In November 2023, JCRA undertook extensive analysis of the most recent 560 WCB SPA submission as required by Town Council’s June 2022 condition for site plan approval: 

“The Owner shall evaluate the ultimate operating condition of the site, based on full build-out, and identify any required traffic, noise and vibration measures, prior to final approval of the site plan. This evaluation shall be reviewed by the Town’s peer review consultants at the expense of the Owner.  Installation of any mitigation measures identified by the evaluation shall be incorporated into the final plans and studies and implemented prior to occupancy of any of the proposed buildings.” 

We concluded their new submission did not address Council’s ultimate operation condition. When we met with Town planning staff to discuss our analysis, they did not agree and appeared to ignore our work. It was extremely disappointing.

In January 2024, we updated our analysis to include the new 750 WCB submission.  Our conclusion that the condition has not been met remained unchanged. 

However, earlier this month, JCRA was very pleased to learn the Town is assembling a Task Force, comprised of Town staff and some external experts, to determine the ultimate operating condition of the proposed 560 and 750 Winston Churchill Blvd warehouses site at full build-out as directed by Oakville Town Council on June 27, 2022. 

We look forward to the Task Force’s new analysis and proposed mitigations to minimize the impact on the residents living in close proximity to these sites.

Our updated analysis is attached here and site plan maps specifying areas that need mitigation are here.

We welcome any questions at:


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