JCRA continues to follow the planning developments for the midtown area surrounding the Oakville GO station. Board members attended virtual updates for our town councillors on Midtown Urban Design Elements and Transportation Features in May and June, and a public meeting was held on June 28th. Click this link to access detail on Midtown, as well as links to Council meetings focussed on this area. 

Recently JCRA provided feedback to the Town on their stated short term priorities for Midtown.  The text of our emails to Town planning staff, our Ward 3 Councillor and the Mayor are below:

Re: Midtown Development

The Joshua Creek Residents’ Association (JCRA) has been following the town council presentations and public updates with respect to the Midtown development.  We appreciate the time and effort Town staff are giving to public engagement on this important issue. 

We would like to highlight a few aspects of this file which we particularly support as areas for focus and prioritization.

Specifically, we agree with the report recommendations that a pedestrian walkway should be planned to connect the east and west sides of Trafalgar Road. Further, we agree with the proposal to have dedicated transit lanes – during peak hours only – on Trafalgar Road and into the Oakville Go Station.  JCRA was also pleased to see that the planned ramp from Royal Windsor Road onto the North Service Road is expected to be completed in the near future.  As the planning department pointed out, this improvement is a “low hanging fruit” construction measure, and will make a big difference to traffic flow for our area, such as deflecting traffic from Trafalgar Road, with minimal construction required.

The attention being given to parkland and public courtyards/squares in the Midtown planning documents is another priority which we share with the town.  The concept of “animate every space” seems very important to this development opportunity, as do the considerations of how people will use the space between buildings, how they will use active transportation alternatives to get around in Midtown and how barriers to the transition areas on the edge of Midtown can be improved.  For example, are there any studies being done re how Midtown residents will easily access our downtown core?  What is the realistic feasibility of an underpass under the railroad at the north end of Chartwell, given the slope that such a structure would require between Cornwall and the tracks? 

In summary, JCRA supports the Town’s current intentions to focus on and prioritize pedestrian pathways and parkland as well as traffic flow improvements.  

We look forward to next steps and remaining connected to the Midtown planning process and development.


The Joshua Creek Residents’ Association Board of Directors


Re: Trafalgar Rd Intersections with Lakeshore and Cornwall Roads

The Joshua Creek Residents’ Association (JCRA) is concerned about pedestrian and cyclist accessibility and safety in crossing Trafalgar Road at Cornwall Road and Lakeshore Road.  These two intersections have considerable traffic, and the Trafalgar/Cornwall intersection in particular is facing increased activity with the proposed Midtown development and growing pressure on the Oakville Go Station.

We ask the planning department to consider establishing a “scramble” crossing at both these intersections, in which all vehicular traffic would be stopped for a period to allow pedestrians to cross north-south, east-west, or “kitty-corner” across the intersection without impediment. Similarly, pedestrians would not be allowed to enter the intersection while vehicles move through the intersection based on traffic signalization.  Thus, in addition to improved pedestrian safety a “scramble” intersection would also improve the flow of traffic as vehicle right hand turns would then not be impeded by pedestrians simultaneously trying to cross the road.

In view of the potential for traffic disruption, perhaps the scramble protocol would only be employed when triggered by a pedestrian button request signal.

Thank you for your consideration. 

Joshua Creek Residents’ Association Board of Directors



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