Are you aware that the Town is looking for solutions concerning new community projects?

That land is being re-developed? That our community character could change forever?

  • Chisholm School lands
  • Hospital Lands re-development
  • New community centres in Oakville – should there be one in SE Oakville? Where?
  • Centennial Square (library, pool, performing arts) re-development

How will these issues affect YOU?   What is important to you and your family?

Make your opinion heard!

Evaluations are being studied now about key issues that will impact our community.

The Joshua Creek Residents Association (JCRA) wants to ensure options for development take into account our community needs.   It is critical that our community needs are heard clearly by Town Council.

Please click here to complete the JCRA Community Centre survey so your opinion can be heard! It will take you 2 minutes.

Have questions, suggestions, concerns?

Come meet JCRA Directors Maple Grove Plaza Fri May 6, 2:30- 5:30 or Sat May 7, 11am-2pm

Become A Member