Study Update 

The South Central Public Lands Study was completed in 2013 and the Town of Oakville is moving forward with the implementation phase as directed by Council.

Study site updates:

Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) Site (327 Reynolds Street)

  • Since April 2013, town staff has been meeting to discuss the implementation of Council’s direction for the OTMH site.
  • ·         Council had directed staff to report back on a detailed site plan in June 2014. However, in reviewing the work that needs to be completed (matters such as heritage, potential LHIN partnership and programming, species at risk, potential site contamination), and the timing of the transfer of the site to the town, it was concluded that this date is not achievable.
  • Further to the Council resolution of April 8, 2013 related to the report on the South Central Public Lands Study (PD-042-13), and an update report on December 2, 2013, Council authorized staff to defer reporting back on the land use plan for the OTMH site, including details related to number of units, type and design, until the residual development site has been defined and public consultation has been undertaken.
  • Additional public engagement on the details of the site design will be sought with the community following the transfer of the OTMH site to the Town, which is expected to occur in 2016.

Former Linbrook Public School (1079 Linbrook Road)

  • As you may recall, at the April 8, 2013 Planning and Development Council meeting, Council deferred the consideration of the staff recommended land use option for the Linbrook school site pending a staff report on an offer to purchase.
  • On July 8, 2013, Council authorized staff to finalize either a lease or purchase of the site for the purpose of a private boys school, subject to specific conditions to address traffic, heritage and enrolment concerns.
  • The Linbrook School for Boys applied for and received approval of minor variances to permit the private school as well as a heritage permit. A condition of the approved minor variance is that enrollment is limited to a maximum of 180 students. Site plan approval is also required.
  • A report on the sale/lease is expected to be presented to Council by spring 2014.

Former Brantwood Public School, 221 Allan Street and

Former Chisholm Public School – 165 Charnwood Drive

  • On April 8, 2013 Council endorsed the staff recommended land use options (in Planning Services Report PD-024-13) for the Brantwood and Chisholm school sites and directed staff to begin the implementation steps for those sites.
  • Staff is assessing options for the disposition of the sites and implementation steps and will be meeting with local residents associations, as requested by Council, to discuss the strategy for disposition this year.
  • A number of approvals are required (e.g., heritage permit (Brantwood), zoning by-law amendments, lot creation) before any redevelopment can occur and public engagement on such applications will be provided.

Oakville Arena  (133 Rebecca Street)

  • On October 29, 2012, Council directed staff to retain the single pad ice arena and existing park facilities on the Oakville Arena site and to undertake a heritage impact assessment and preliminary architectural concepts for the lands.
  • Staff is working on development options and will be consulting with the community in early 2014.
  • Detailed design is currently scheduled to begin in 2015, followed by consulting and tender preparation in 2016, and a construction start in 2017.
  • For further information on the Oakville Arena please contact Michael Brennan at 905-845-6601, ext. 3039.

For further information on any of these projects or to provide your comments or questions please contact:

South Central Public Lands Study Team
Town of Oakville
1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville ON L6H 0H3
905-845-6601, ext. 3261

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