Thank you to all our neighbours who were able to join us on March 24th for the JCRA – AGM 2015. Your questions and interest in our community always encourages us to continue our efforts on behalf of the community.
For those who could not attend, we have added the JCRA presentation and John McNeil’s Forestry Presentation in PowerPoint to the website. This year, budget permitting, we will host General Information Meetings (GIM) on topics like Committee of Adjustment and Zoning Bylaws, Community Centre and Hospital Land Development and Air Quality.
As a reminder JCRA annual membership donations are due with the suggested amount of $20. Your donations are appreciated and support communication costs and the hosting of meetings for our membership. Cheques can be made out to the Joshua Creek Resident Association and can be dropped off or mailed to either 2242 Constance Dr. Oakville L6J 5L7 or 153 Castle Cres. Oakville, L6J 5H4.
John McNeil (Town of Oakville) shared great information on the Emerald Ash Borer and the Creek in his presentation. We will post some additional information on any hazardous tree removal that will occur this spring and summer in the creek area. The hated X does identify a tree that will be removed and is normally a 5 day warning but some trees on Ford will not be taken down until spring. The creek is made up of over 50% Ash trees. Some may be saved through the Town’s treatment program but others that are now dead will have to be cut down to reduce the continued spread of EAB.
At the AGM we asked you for feedback on the following areas.
- Do you support the need for a Parking Garage in Downtown Oakville to support retailers, shoppers and employee parking needs?
- Do you support the need for a “Family Health Hub” on the Hospital Lands? Note this cannot be an ER but is described as more than a doctor’s office with some diagnostic equipment.
- Do you support the OT Hospital being used for Long Term Care beds if funded by the Province?
- If we held Quarterly Open House meetings would you attend?
- If we had speakers at the Open House meetings what topics would you like them to cover?
The following are key priorities for JCRA pending your feedback
- Air Quality
- Chisholm Development
- Community Recreation Centre
- Family Health Hub
- Downtown Development
- Zoning/ Committee of Adjustment Bylaws
- Tree and Forest Protection
- Midtown traffic/ infrastructure
- Quarterly open meetings with speakers
Please share any suggestions you have for the JCRA:
Email us your views at, or to assist in our delegations to Town Council.
Sign up to our new Twitter account @JCRAoakville to get instant updates on key Town and Neighbourhood info.
As always detailed information is located on our website at
Cheers and Happy Spring,
Janet Haslett-Theall, JCRA President