The Town accepted this offer at their January 27 meeting. Some additional conditions were attached to the original offer, subject to technical and legal review by Town staff. This acceptance forms the draft approval of the 2175 Cornwall Rd Site Plan Application for an Amazon Delivery Station. JCRA had two delegations and we expressed our concerns with the Settlement Offer, particularly with respect to the removal of the Minister’s Zoning Order and the Parkway Belt West Plan, and public safety issues arising from Amazon vehicles turning left as they exit the site. We also noted the impact of the facility on the community is equivalent to what is typically found within heavy industrial areas that fall under E3 zoned Employment lands. You van view the delegations by clicking here and here, and on this accompanying PPT slide.
Four residents from the R4LO group also presented relevant, well researched and eloquent delegations expressing their concern about the impact of this facility on the community, as well as concerns about the flawed zoning decision that classified the Delivery Station as an E2 Zone facility. The Chartwell Maple Grove Residents Association (CMGRA) delegated their concern about the impact of increased traffic in the neighbourhood and the Trafalgar Chartwell Residents Association did the same via email to all members of Town Council, Mayor Burton and MPP Stephen Crawford.