What is important to know:

  • All other geographic areas in Oakville have a Community Centre.
  • The Town is doing a survey to discover what South Central and South East Oakville residents want to do with the school lands and hospital lands, as well as Oakville Arena and Trafalgar Park. We believe that this survey doesn’t address the main issue – that both South East and South Central Oakville need a community centre/hub that is located geographically close to our neighbourhoods. If you choose to complete the Town survey, in the Comments section we encourage you to emphasize the need for any development to be consistent with the Livable Oakville Official Plan, and consistent with the character of the neighbourhood. Additionally comments regarding your desire to use a Town Community centre if it was closer would be beneficial.
  • What will happen to the Chisholm School land? In the short term, JCRA continues to work with the Town to remedy the current situation where vandalism is making our neighbourhood unsafe. In the longer term  – if we are able to achieve a Southeast community centre on the Hospital Lands, the Chisholm school site could be redeveloped into residential homes (staying in character with the existing neighbourhood).  No decisions have yet been made and we continue to look for feedback from Joshua Creek residents. More details on how the Chisholm property  could be used will come out of the South Central Land study in December. 
Why are you not fighting for a community centre at Chisholm?
We heard from residents last year that a key priority is to preserve the woodlot and playground. Our survey also showed that having a pool in the Southeast was a priority once they close Centennial pool. A pool WILL NOT fit or be viable on the Chisholm site.  While something in the neighbourhood would be really nice, we strongly believe that our best option to get a multi- generational community centre for the SouthEast is on the Hospital Lands. It would service all of Ward 3, create a fantastic community hub and would be economically viable because more services are in one spot.
What else can you do?
  • Review the information found on the Community coalition website www.oakvillecommunitycentres.ca and find out who at the Town you can contact to make your views known.
  • Forward this site by email to your friends across town, share on facebook, tweet on twitter and encourage them to sign the petition.
  • Stay informed.
  • Email us at president@joshuacreek.org or membership@joshuacreek.org or call a board member to discuss.
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