Here are some updates.
2012 Budget Process
JCRA will continue to monitor the Town budget process and will be updating its members on neighbourhood issues such as will bus #25 be on the chopping block or has ridership increased? Will dollars be allocated for the purchase of Chisholm school ? Will the new Master Plan now targeting for release on Nov 25th support a community centre ? Where will the development dollars from all the growth on Cornwall be spent? Stay tuned.
Neighboring Association
Chartwell Maple Grove Residents Association is taking the lead on raising questions with the Town on evaluating Town taxes. A director has done extensive research into how Oakville compares to other towns in Ontario. If you have an interest in getting actively involved in this area they would welcome your participation.
Fluoride Debate
Do you want to know more about Fluoridation in our water? The Halton Medical Officer has been directed by Halton Region to produce a report in respect to water fluoridation in Halton by January 2012 . There will be a community consultation process announced. If you wish to learn more about concerns with Fluoride contact Mary Pearson . The Region’s current view is on their website. We will post the Medical Officer report when published.